What sets our company apart is our versatility in terms of the biological control alternatives we provide to stakeholders facing insect pest problems. At Pomona BioConcept, we are committed to addressing these entomological challenges by offering expert support and integrated pest management solutions.
Our platform offers two main aspects:
Our information sheets provide detailed descriptions of the identification and biology of insect pests, to help target the most appropriate control method. Accurate information on the type of damage caused is also essential, to help stakeholders pinpoint an insect pest problem when the insect itself has not been spotted.
Developing new biological control methods requires knowledge to optimize these control or monitoring tools. The reliability of these new tools can only be determined through the scientific demonstration of their ability to either control or monitor the insect pest in question. At Pomona BioConcept, we have the resources to implement rigorous experimental systems to help you determine the efficacy of your products under development.
Where there is no obvious insect damage and when you may not be familiar enough with the characteristics of the insect pest to accurately identify it, it can be difficult to know whether the pest represents a threat to your plant production. However, it is possible to set up a network of monitoring traps to determine whether a particular insect pest is present in your crop or woodlot.
We can provide expert entomological support to help you identify the specific insect pest affecting your production and to propose solutions using biopesticides. These products can consist of various biocontrol agents such as bacteria, viruses, pheromones, fungi, as well as the release of sterile insects or spraying of parasitoids. Depending on the type of insect pest, the host plant, and the size of the area to be treated, Pomona BioConcept can propose a biological solution that best suits your needs.
Pomona BioConcept has valuable expertise in registering biological insecticides with the Canadian regulatory authorities. If you are a business that has developed a proprietary biopesticide or that carries a biopesticide registered in other jurisdictions and would like to expand your market to Canada, contact us to find out how we can help.
Are you a manufacturer of biopesticides? If so, why not take advantage of Pomona BioConcept’s platforms to showcase your products in a unique, innovative, and highly targeted environment? Our platforms offer an unparalleled opportunity to feature your products on a unique, pest-specific platform designed to help promote monitoring and control products and strategies directly to your target clientele.
Richard Trudel holds a graduate degree in forest entomology, with a specialization in biological control. Over the past 25 years, he has worked for various government and university agencies and organizations, where he helped develop and implement biocontrol programs in the fight against insect pests. He has now put his talent and expertise to use as an entomology consultant for Pomona BioConcept Inc., where he focuses on the use of biopesticides.
In 1989, Marc Charbonneau founded a company specializing in the distribution of insect monitoring supplies—primarily insect traps and pheromones—to stakeholders in the agriculture, forestry, commercial pest operations, horticulture, and exotic invasive species sectors across Canada and the U.S. With over 30 years’ experience, he has his finger on the pulse of the industry and is committed to serving the needs of growers, consultants and researchers.
President, Pomona BioConcept Inc.
342, rue Saint-Joseph,
Lévis, Québec
G6V 1G2
Cell. : 418.254.3454